TMR靈修教材 – 羅馬書1:8-15
作者:Paul Chang
思想時間: 看完這段經文你有甚麼感想?請用一句話來摘要這段經文。
Mouseover for –> 解釋經文
默想時間: (Meditation)
回應時間: (Reflection)
聆聽微細的聲音: 你 到聽主透過這節經文要跟你說甚麼嗎?
1. 請把所有感想和感動寫下來
2. 你對經文有甚麼問題?邀請你寫下來再請教教會牧者
禱告: (Prayer)
1. 將這節經文成為你今天生活的主題來禱告
2. 求聖靈繼續讓這節經文在你心中及腦海中反覆出現、反覆思想
3. 求聖靈的工作讓這節經文能夠深入到你的心中和生活中
Contact Us
For safety and protection for every member, though we have no Coronavirus case found in the church, the board of deacons has decided to cancel the Sunday worship services from March 15th, 2020 till the end of April. The schedule could be changed for further notice.
Please visit our Sunday worship service.
Location: 17100 S. 69th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL, 60477
Sunday Worship Service: Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm
Fill this form with your questions, and we will get back to you soon!