TMR靈修教材 – 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:19 -22

作者:Paul Chang


閱讀經文: 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:19 -22

思想時間: 看完這段經文你有甚麼感想?請用一句話來摘要這段經文。

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默想時間: (Meditation)


Q1: 我們有沒有常常忘記聖經的教導和話語? 包括查經聚會以及主日講道。我們要如何改進,幫助我們能好好記住,並且持守真理?

Q2: 當聽到任何宣稱是從神而來的教導或訊息時,我們是否全盤接受,還是先去察驗、分辨?

Q3: 你通常如何去分辨和察驗? 如果沒有足夠能力去察驗,我們該如何裝備自己的能力呢?

Q4: 聽完主日道後,你有沒有按聖靈感動的話語,真實地操練並且把神的教導實踐在生活中呢?

回應時間: (Reflection)



禱告: 為你的實際應用(包括軟弱、智慧、環境、機會等等)或是哪一方面有缺乏

Contact Us

For safety and protection for every member, though we have no Coronavirus case found in the church, the board of deacons has decided to cancel the Sunday worship services from March 15th, 2020 till the end of April. The schedule could be changed for further notice.

Please visit our Sunday worship service.

Location: 17100 S. 69th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL, 60477

Sunday Worship Service: Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm


Fill this form with your questions, and we will get back to you soon!

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